Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quick update!

SDP meeting at 4pm.. its now 10am and since i'm already in the ISE lab.. i should get some work done.. but before that.. there's time for a totally random blog entry =)

1) Yuan's piano teacher praised her.. and said that she can go very far haha.. i gave her a star sticker over sms =)

2) Junie got into the 33rd SAJC student council! think shes gonna enjoy herself.. i believe she got in not just because of the fantastic speech i helped her to prepare hahaha

3) Church kids did quite well for A levels =) dunno the details.. but i know Brenda and Bert got straight As.. WOW.. haha

4) My job search goes on (and on).. but i'm waiting on the Lord.. trusting in His plans for me =) hehe

5) FYP prof 'tsk' me the other day... and said "i dunno how i can use this"... hmmm.. he obviously isn't impressed.. i just need a B+ pls!

6) SDP.. case study + poster + 2 presentations left.. COME ON!

7) scolded Faithfulness cg through sms the other day.. attendance has been rather poor and i dunno what else i can do except to pray.. i've decided to spend more individual time with each of them =) had lunch with alex the other day.. Marcus next week.. these are good kids with lots of potential.. will pray for them!

8) Noah has a biopsy today.. he's so small and skinny but has to go through all these painful tests and chemo.. side effects also.. continue to pray for healing.. and i know that we're all going to see God's glory shine forth through this whole episode.. be brave Noah..

9) added an arm chair to my room.. its going to be my "reading" chair.. something in between sitting at my desk and lying on my bed..

10) theres a bird's nest in this potted plant outside my house.. and 2 little chicks fell out of it yesterday.. hope they live on! the parent comes back occasionally to feed them.. they are small and wet..

11) i realised that my dad/sis/bro/sis-in-law all use iphones.. there are 4 iphones in the house (only my mom and i left).. and i also realised.. that in my SDP project group of 6.. i'm the only one not using an iphone.. mmm.. i like my old dumb phone =).. but when it dies i think i'll try to move with the times and get a smart one..

12) putting on weight (like mad).. so i've decided to tweek my gym regime.. increasing my cardio.. been running 5/6 km instead of the usual 3. hopefully it makes a difference.. need to cut down the calorie intake also.. seriously i dun need so many haha.. snacking all day has to stop haha

13) friends overseas.. u all take care ok? brave the acid throwing/ superstorms/ heat waves/ extreme snow etc etc.. missing u all!

14) Liverpool is playing very badly and it makes me sad.. like really

I don't know about tomorrow;
I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from its sunshine
For its skies may turn to grey.
I don't worry o'er the future,
For I know what Jesus said.
And today I'll walk beside Him,
For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.

1 comment:

Viagra Online Without Prescription said...

Well I think something similar happens in my house, because an iPhone is like having underwear. But I stay honest to my old friend the Walkman.