Thursday, September 4, 2008

Research Project Topic (Blog Post 3)


The world faces an unprecedented threat in global climate change. As occupants of our blue planet, each and every one of us should play a part in conservation and protecting our environment. The university's recent activity in highlighting the need to go green is reflected in the "NUS fights climate change" idea. This is truly a step in the right direction. How then can we further raise awareness and help NUS students and staff take ownership of this vision of fighting climate change?

Purpose Statement:

One objective of this research report is to find out how effective the university has been in raising environmental awareness amongst the NUS population. More importantly, the report hopes to help students take responsibility and ownership in the green initiatives of NUS.

Why do a survey?

The the use of an attitudinal survey, we will be able to have a gauge of how much NUS students know about the initiatives being undertaken. Sampling also enables us to have a better grasp of what areas require more work and publicity. Finally, the survey can also be used as a medium for the population to voice our their concerns, feedback and suggestions.

Target readers:

Upon completion of the report, the findings will be submitted to the Campus Sustainability Committee, the Office of Estate and Development, as well as to the NUS Students Union. The objective is to the increase awareness and to encourage the University to take appropriate and effective action towards helping NUS reduce our environmental footprint and enhance our sustainability.

In all, i believe that this topic is not only relevant, but also very important to NUS students. It deals with a great challenge that the world is facing now. The university can lead the way in conservation and sustainability, doing our small part in the fight against climate change.


Chun Siang said...

i have the almost same ideas as yours. More accurately, My proposed topic will cover the survey on how much our students, lecturers and staffs aware of this green issue.

Not only this, but i also would like to know if there are better ideas provided from our NUS fellows in order to make our campus GREEN.

Brad Blackstone said...

Yes, this is an important and relevant topic. So what is your general research question? It is implied here (how effective HAS the university (has) been in raising environmental awareness amongst the NUS population? ) but not directly stated. Am I correct in identifying it?

(Excuse me for being demanding!)

Gwen said...

Hey, i guess this topic is highly relevant to environmental issues. Over the years, scientists have been trying to find a solution to global warming.

The weather pattern recently had changed drastically. This could be one of the effect.

We need to find a solution to this problem because it can be extremely harmful to the earth.
