Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Finland National Museum

Being poor exchange students (not to forget kiasu Singaporeans), we decided to wait for a nice Tuesday to visit the Finland National Museum. Coz its free entry from 5.30pm onwards .. =)

It was quite a nice experience to go back in time and i feel i understand a little more about how modern day Finland came to be.

The first area is known as Prehistory. As the name goes, it contains exhibits collected from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and moving onto the Iron Age. Certain tools and pottery dug up from archeological sites. Interesting to see how community becomes more complex with the advent of metallurgy. Precious metals were exchanged for animal hides and food, facilitating trade with surrounding countries.

Early cruxifix pendants.. indicating how early Christianity spread to Finland

The rise of the Roman Empire also led to the increasing influence of the Catholic Church in Finland. A room showing beautiful craftsmanship from the period.

The Reformation, leading to Lutheranism becoming the predominant denomination

Finland was basically caught in between Sweden and Russia, and as a result were occupied by both empires many times. We can see the influences from both sides.

Above is a famous painting titled "The Attack".
The Maiden of Finland defends the book of Finnish law against the aggression of the Russian Eagle

Also on display were everyday items, tools and costumes used by the common folk in the past, as well as weapons of war etc..

From left: Rihao, Cindy, Antonia, Pei Joo, Kevin, Wei Sing

*More photos on facebook.

Next up.. the Ateneum Art Museum.. =) Free on the first wed of the month... ehh isn't that tomorrow??? hehehe

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