Friday, May 8, 2009

Mas Selamat Captured

SELAMAT datang!

Oh man.. give the man some credit. He found a way to become Singapore's most well known man. With million dollar bounties for his capture, he also elevated his "credit worth" rather significantly. Just some random things i was speculating about.. some humour.. no malice intended!

After escaping from Whitley Road.. how did he make it to Malaysia?
a. Hijacked a car, used lots of make up and crossed the 2nd link with one of his numerous fake passports
b. Made his way to Pulau Ubin first.. changi jetty has lower security.. then hire a speedboat from there.
c. Hid in specially constructed compartment in a JI accomplice's lorry
d. Comms his chopper to extract him up at the LZ

Apparently he was captured some time ago. What were the Malaysian authorities doing in the past 4-6 weeks?
a. Interrogating him - slumdog millionaire style
b. Consulting him on how to beef up their own security
c. Asking him to tell them stories of how stupid the guards in Singapore were.. so they can laugh
d. Trying to figure out if they caught the right person

What was Mas Selamat doing in Malaysia? Considering Indonesia would have been a better place to hide considering its size and the presence of JI dudes right?
a. Conducting surveillance and planning a revenge multiple suicide bombing mission
b. Writing a book, titled: "Singapore, not so Ya Ya afterall!"
c. Visiting his relatives
d. His speedboat doesn't have enough petrol to reach Batam.. only enough for JB

Now that they have captured him, what will Singapore Authorities do?
a. Give him a fair and just trial at the Supreme Court, with reprimands from the Chief Justice thrown in
b. Announce through the media that Mas Selamat has died from a mysterious bout of flu.... (cue conspiracy music)
c. Lock him up in isolation, Alcatraz style, and double up the guards, security cameras and electric fences.

What will Singaporean reactions be?
a. "Yay finally! Good job ISD people! The Home Team rocks!"
b. "You mean Mas Selamat really existed? He wasn't a govt ploy to distract us?"
c. "Lets go Singapore Pools to bet 4D (date he was captured)"
d. "Orh..... good loh...."


Stuntman Group Inc. said...

it's hilarious that he escaped at all. this middle aged former bus mechanic, who had a limp by the way, managed to escape from the singapore equivalent of the FBI. and by jumping out of a toilet window. it's all so unglamorous and unJamesBond-like.

Wong Liang Fu said...

haha Johal! U just put an image in my head.. Imagine Mas Selamat in a Hugo Boss suit, pulling up in a Maserati, entering a bar and telling the bartender.. "1 Martini pls.. shaken, not stirred!"