Tuesday, January 20, 2009

School begins...

Ok school started for me today..

Went for a morning class.. supposed to be Intercultural Communication..
And the lecturer came in and spoke to us all in German... STUNNED!
So i raised my hand and said.. "Sorry?"
Cut the long story short.. we made a mistake and this module doesn't begin until the 4th teaching term.. (its the 3rd now).. meaning we are 7 weeks early.. haha.. well done coz we now have a super slack 3rd term and super packed 4th term.. which is bad coz this term is bad for travelling due to bad weather..

Finnish class later in the afternoon went much better. I had so much fun trying to pronounce and understand not just the Finnish words.. but also the teacher's English.. looking forward to picking up more Finnish so i know what i am buying in the supermarket.. =)

Oh another thing.. i took a grand total of 1 picture today on my camera.. (my first fast food meal in Finland.. a local brand called Hesburger)
guess it signals the start of less frequent blogging and picture uploads..

ok gotta go practice my Finnish =)

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